
Floriane de Lassée

“Presences” plays with the place of the human body in our minds. Our bodies create our boundaries; they carry and constrain the human spirit. What stories do we tell with what we reveal and what we hide? What do we choose to show the world? Can the human body ever truly be “shown” in its entirety?

Subjects in the series appear behind a translucent structure through which they may both reveal and hide themselves. Imprisoned, glimpsed, imagined, transformed, they disappear and emerge all at once.

The images are printed on a semi-transparent surface, similar to the one through which the series’ subjects were photographed. Each full-scale image is then placed against a light box (a back-lit surface). Have our subjects been trapped, held captive behind a wall of light? Or are they surging forward from ether to matter, from imagination to reality

Presentation based on a text by Floriane de Lassée.


Floriane de Lassée, photographer and visual artist, was born in Paris in 1977 and trained at the Penninghen School of Graphic Arts in Paris as well as at the International Center of Photography in New York.
