Malo Chapuy
The images that animated the places of worship and palaces of the late Middle Ages and the Western Renaissance have crossed the centuries to land in the works of Malo Chapuy.
A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Paris since 2022, the artist is interested in medieval liturgical works and illuminated manuscripts. Fascinated by their aesthetics, he adopts the eye and technique of a 14th-century painter, while bringing in his own contemporary references. Particularly susceptible to the concept of anachronism, Malo Chapuy brings together in the same composition characters drawn from the religious repertoire with buildings inspired by modernist and industrial architecture.
In 2023, Private Choice presents his series of Water towers at the exhibition “Summer project”, in collaboration with Le 33 in Marseille. This work, inspired by the photographs of the couple Bernd & Hilla Becher, is accompanied by two oils on wood representing the architecture of Le Corbusier. Malo Chapuy subtly creates a trompe-l’œil with his perspective work and gold highlights, which he repeats in a meticulous series of illuminations on parchment.
Referring to the object-images of the period, he also affixes this iconography onto supports as atypical as they are contemporary (motorcycle helmets, brand-name shoes, etc.) to turn them into anachronistic relics. For the anniversary edition of Private Choice will feature exclusive creations and a new series of paintings on wood, populated with medieval and cinematographic references to Fritz Lang’s 1927 science-fiction film Metropolis.
In June 2022, Malo Chapuy was the winner of the Agnès B des amis des Beaux-Arts prize, which aims to associate a future graduate of the school with a patron of the arts.
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Malo Chapuy
Château d’eau
Huile et tempera sur bois, gomme-laque, caséine, or, argent
31 x 23 cm
Malo Chapuy
Château d’eau
Oil and tempera on wood
35 x 24 cm
Malo Chapuy
Annonciation au couvent de la Tourette
Oil and tempera on wood, shellac, casein, gold, silver
35,5 x 29 cm
Malo Chapuy
Saint Georges
Oil and tempera on wood, shellac, casein, gold, silver
30,5 x 24 cm
Malo Chapuy
Enluminure Château d’eau
Tempera, gold and ink on parchment
30 x 40 cm encadré
Malo Chapuy
Illumination Water tower
Tempera, gold and ink on parchment
30 x 40 cm encadré
Malo Chapuy
Illumination Water tower
Tempera, gold and ink on parchment
30 x 40 cm encadré
Malo Chapuy
Illumination Water tower
Tempera, gold and ink on parchment
30 x 40 cm encadré
Malo Chapuy
Water tower
Oil and tempera on wood
36 x 30,5 cm
Malo Chapuy
Water tower
Oil and tempera on wood
33,5 x 24 cm
Malo Chapuy
Water tower
Oil and tempera on wood
30,5 x 21 cm