Les lois de Roy

Zoé Brunet-Jailly

Oil on wood


1900 *

In my painting I build up the characters by superimposition, in a way that’s quite similar to what I usually do when I make faces on the computer. For Ellie Hedden, I start with a face that tends to resemble me in certain ways, which I accentuate. Then I sculpt, I transform, to reach the moment when I perceive something of myself. It’s not a real self-portrait, but an incarnation, an essence. And that’s why nothing is really fixed, why some areas are more worked than others, because it’s not a realistic portrait, what I’m looking for is to reach the moment when it appears, and it’s always in a certain state of flux, when the image is still moving and not totally fixed.

  • 30 x 42 cm
More informations

* VAT on the margin art. 257 and following of the CGI.

Bank details

IBAN : FR94 3000 2005 0100 0037 6200 E24

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